Monday, June 4, 2018

What you should know about important accessories for your wood burning stove

What you should know about important accessories for your wood burning stove
As many people are using wood-burning stove in their house and as winter is reaching very fast, people want to know more about accessories used in such stoves. There are a myriad of choices for accessories, but only few of them are most essential. Let us examine some such accessories.

Log carriers or log baskets

For traditional stoves in which wood burning stove fans are used a method for storing and retrieving wood is an essential accessory. A log basket will be a convenient tool that can make the transporting of a number of logs at the same time easier. If your cottage is decorated in the country style such an accessory will be matching to the look and feel of your home. They are available in different shapes, sizes and materials. Wicker basket style is the most favorite style as it allows storing and transporting at the same time. If the carrier is a metal made one that will be sturdier and will have a modern look.

Stove gloves

Fitting logs inside the wood-burning stove is a tricky matter. If you do not use stove gloves it can harm your arms and the heat can burn your hands too. The use of stove top fan can reduce the heat content to some extent as they help to spread them uniformly. Though there are many kinds of gloves, the ones that are specifically made for this purpose will be the most suitable ones. Such gloves will have extra-long hand for protecting your arms completely. Such gloves are treated with special materials that can withstand the heat and high temperatures in and around the stove.

Fans  and heat reclaimer

Efficiency is a matter of importance in the context of wood burning stoves. Stove Fans are important accessories used to spread the heat generated to the neighboring rooms. If hot air is not circulated using a stove top fan or similar accessory, the heat generated may be wasted.


Thermometer is an unavoidable accessory in all activities involving heat. It helps one to monitor the stove’s efficiency and helps one to get alerted about any potential problems that may arise after some time.
Click here to know more about Stove Fans For Log Burners

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