Saturday, April 28, 2018

How to lead someone to Christ must not be rushed

How to lead someone to Christ must not be rushed
Always consider pre-evangelism. So, what is pre-evangelism all about? It is clearly a work that you do before you go to preach the gospel. It has to do with living the right Christian life and this lifestyle compelling others to ask about this faith. That is where you can welcome them. This is one of the easiest ways to win the unsaved to Christ. How to lead someone to Christ is a process. It should never be rushed. Rushing it will just bring you problems and you might end up been overly stressed and giving up. It is important that you take the process step by step.
How to lead someone to Christ should have prayer greatly involved. It is always better to say a prayer for the leading of God. This when done before you decide to go out soul winning is important. It helps to make winning the right souls easier for you. Know these:
1.       It is the duty of Christian to always preach the truth.
2.       Do not try to change what the Bible said to please people.
3.       Make sure the souls you win are those souls you can continue to help.
4.       Do not force souls won to your church. Some unbelievers have issues with many churches with quite different doctrines. However, just make sure your truth is known to them. With that done, you will have nothing to worry about.
Get to understand how to lead someone to Christ. When you do, it will help you all the time. Since soul winning has nothing to do with you and how you feel. Make sure you welcome God into the picture all the time. Winning souls to Christ will always not be the same. Find where your strength lies and push through with that. Do not hasten to win souls in a way that you know you just cannot.

Click here to know more about  How to Lead Someone to Christ

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